Guided Breathing: Breath of fire | Breathwork Series | Evolve Now

Welcome to our yoga channel for athletes, where we offer various yoga practices to help improve your performance, mobility, and overall wellbeing. In this 10-minute video, we will guide you through 3 rounds of Breath of Fire, a powerful pranayama technique known for its energizing and detoxifying effects.

Breath of Fire involves rapid, forceful exhales and passive inhales, creating a rhythmic pumping motion in the lower abdomen. This breathing practice can help increase lung capacity, improve digestion, and boost mental clarity and focus.

Our yoga practices are suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners, so join us on the mat and experience the transformative power of Breath of Fire. Allow yourself to release any stress and tension, and connect with the present moment through this invigorating breathing technique.

As always, remember to listen to your body, and modify the practice as needed to suit your individual needs and abilities. Let's begin!


Navy SEAL Breathing Technique for more Focus - Boxbreathing 4-4-4-4 | 10 Minutes (Follow Along)