Our Instructors.
Christopher David
FOUNDER - Registered Yogateacher, Physiotherapist, Fitness Coach, Athletic Coach
I love Yoga not just because of the cool looking arm balances and fun sequences. Yoga has challenged me in so many different ways that helped me to grow as a human being. Yes, I love the physical aspect of Yoga and how it makes my body feel, but I love the mental and spiritual side of it even more! By doing breathwork, asana practice (the stuff most people associate Yoga with) and meditation everyday I am learning so many things about myself and the world. It has taught me what it means to be truly in the present moment and how the human mind works. Every single practice teaches me something new and the process of learning about yourself and human nature is just fascinating to me. Being by yourself, moving, focusing on your breathing, controlling your mind and letting go are very powerful tools that in my opinion every single person on this earth deserves to learn about. That is my mission. These are some of the many reasons why I love Yoga. I love learning, teaching and sharing what I have learned. It is amazing to be able to observe other people evolve into their true self.