
Why I love teaching Yoga
Chris Bulls Chris Bulls

Why I love teaching Yoga

Hey there, fellow warriors and champions of the mat! Buckle up, because I'm about to spill the beans on why this burly, bearded guy right here absolutely loves teaching yoga. That's right, you heard me correctly – I'm not just another yogi, I'm a yoga-teaching, zen-seeking, muscle-flexing enthusiast, and I'm here to tell you why.

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Martial Arts and Yoga: Why I practice both
Chris Bulls Chris Bulls

Martial Arts and Yoga: Why I practice both

Through Yoga and Martial Arts, I have found a sense of balance and inner peace that extends beyond the physical practice. Both disciplines have taught me invaluable life lessons that continue to shape my character and outlook on life.

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Red Flags in Yoga Teachers You Should be Aware of
Chris Bulls Chris Bulls

Red Flags in Yoga Teachers You Should be Aware of

As you dive into the world of yoga, you may encounter various instructors along your journey. While most yoga teachers are a source of inspiration and guidance, it's essential to be aware of potential red flags that might signal a less-than-ideal experience. In this blog post, we'll explore some warning signs to watch out for in yoga teachers—empowering you to make informed choices on your path to inner peace.

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