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Yin Yoga for Athletes: Boost your Recovery and Performance

How many of you love hard workouts? Most of us right? Also how many of you would like to improve your performance? Most likely all of us right? But how many of us actually take time out of our days to do something for our recovery and regeneration? Not so many. But if you want to reach the next level of your physical and also mental performance, active recovery is key! Yin Yoga is the perfect tool to restore energy in your body and mind. What is Yin Yoga? It is form of Yoga Asana Practice and Meditation that focuses on relaxing, breathing and letting go. In athletic activities, but also in daily life, we make our bodies work hard, push it to its limits and build tension in our muscles and our mind. 

But if we keep doing just that we will burn out and breakdown quickly. In Yin Yoga we work with asanas that don’t require strength which helps us to fully relax. By letting gravity do all the work the only things we need to do is to breathe, stay present and release all of the tension we are holding on to. But don’t be mistaken: Yin Yoga can be extremely intense! Even though there’s no strength involved in the asanas, just by staying in these poses for up to 10 to 20 minutes, Yin Yoga can be quite challenging! 

By staying in the poses for such a long time you allow your muscles to fully relax and your nervous system to get a well deserved rest. This helps you to recover more efficiently and you will be ready for your next workout. On top of that you become more flexible and you learn how to stay relaxed in intense and challenging situations. Focus on your breathe and enjoy the power of Yin Yoga.

Click the video below for a guided Yin Yoga Class for Athletes: